Nikunj Doshi

Declarative Metadata based Rollup Summaries

This code leverages an excellent open source library by Abhinav Gupta and is a Metadata variant of Andrew Fawcett`s DLRS

Problem that we are solving,

  • 25 rollup summary fields allowed per object on master detail relationships
  • Rollup child sobject records part of a lookup relationship. Native rollup summary fields are not available on LOOKUP relationships.
  • Deploying the metadata configs with ease without use of data loader.
  • Multilevel rollups, child field needs to be rolled up on parent, parent`s field storing rollup inturn needs to be rolled up onto GrandParent

As always first thing first, here`s the link to, GitHub Repo Link Unmanaged Package -

Here are the steps to follow after you have installed the package,

  1. Define Rollup Object Mapping Rollup Object Mappings.png

  2. Define Rollup Field Mapping Rollup Field Mappings.png

  3. Create trigger on all the child objects whose field needs to be aggregated using below template code, -To support metadata above we will need triggers on all distinct Child objects i.e Account, User & Inventory_Projection__c -For above Rollup Object Mapping ‘Account to Parent Accounts’ where child object is Account, here`s how trigger on Account object should look like,

    trigger AccountTrigger on Account (after insert, after update, after delete, after undelete) {
     Account[] objects = null;  
         objects =;        
     else if(Trigger.isUpdate){
         objects = RollupServices.filterUpdatedRollupFieldRecords(, Trigger.oldMap, 'Account');        
     else if(Trigger.isDelete){
         objects = Trigger.old;
     else if(Trigger.isunDelete){
         objects =;
     RollupServices.doRollup(objects, 'Account');

    -Similarly go ahead and create triggers on the other child objects by replacing Account with Sobject`s api name onto which you are creating trigger.

Woof you are now all set to leverage power of mighty rollups without being restricted.

Feel free to comment below if any queries.
